Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hodge-Podge Taco Salad

Some friends and their kids are coming over this evening for dinner and playtime. For the occasion, I've made chili and the rest of them are bringing the fixings for taco salad and tacos.

We had leftovers for lunch, but breakfast was a special treat. I got up early and baked this Baked Oatmeal. Stephen couldn't complain at all when I told him we were having Pumpkin Oatmeal Cake for breakfast!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Menu plan for this week

Over at Organizing Junkie, you'll find hundreds of families' menu plans. And among them this week, you'll find ours. I'll be on my own quite a bit so I am striving for "simple."

Monday: baked chicken, rice, and zucchini (no recipe, just bake the chicken, steam the rice, and saute the zucchini in a little bit of butter)

Tuesday: chili to include in the taco salad that some friends and I are consuming, potluck-style

Wednesday: Out with the kids before we go to a class on base

Thursday: my friend Cindy is cooking

Friday: Goulash

Nothing too inventive, but maybe that'll give me some time to use my new apple peeler, corer, slicer on the mountain of pears in our backyard!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What's for breakfast?

Stephen asks me every night before he goes to bed. And usually remembers in the morning exactly what I had said.

And tomorrow we're having one of his favorites. Pancakes! This recipe is not only easy, but it is ready the night before, is very healthy, and yum yum yum.

Aunt Heather is coming

My sister is on her way into town so we're having a simple dinner this evening, planned because we thought we might be on the go, showing her the sights and sounds of San Antonio. As it stands, we'll probably stay in, but the menu is set.

Since I'm a klutz in the kitchen, rest assured most of these recipes are easy and can even survive a major mistake. Like cooking the potatoes for 20 minutes too long last night because I was preoccupied with putting Stephen to bed. Moral of the story: Set a timer.

Tonight's meal will be simple sandwiches, potato salad, and hummus with vegetable dippers.

I was going to do the potato salad last night to serve to company alongside the macaroni and cheese casserole. But they canceled on us so I just made the casserole and put carrots on the side. However, when I told them I was making a pumpkin pie, their schedule cleared later in the evening and they still made it after the kids went down for the night.

This blog has no point.

If you're hoping for something inspirational, go somewhere else. Like here or here.

This is just a chronicle of some of the things that are cooking in our kitchen. Sometimes my friends ask for a recipe or I want to remember something I made a month or two ago. Most of my recipes are online, so this seems a fitting way to document our menus.

We eat in a hodgepodge of styles. Some think I'm a "foodie," and sometimes I pretend to be, shopping at Whole Foods and Central Market. But that's not really the case. We like to eat at McDonalds and Chik-Fil-A. I personally love a good Mexican dive. My husband loves a hearty down-home-in-Iowa meal, so we eat that way sometimes. Yet we like to experiment with flavors and we also have 2 kids.

We like cookies, garlic, brownies, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, chocolate-covered granola bars, spinach salads, and peanut butter.

I like reading food blogs for fun, and I sometimes experiment with recipes. As I develop this, I'll put links to some of the places I visit on this page.

The website address refers to what my 3-year-old tells me when he is hungry or bored: "I want to eat."